The TEEMING Transformation

The TEEMING Transformation picks up where TEEMING left off: with actionable methodologies and frameworks designed to help purpose-led leaders of communities, organizations, and movements connect to their Nature of Place, Teeming Up to grow possibility through Living Design.

This is what lasts.

Founded on evolutionary theory, biological anthropology, and traditional Indigenous ecological knowledge and practice of Place, supported by Living Systems frameworks, The TEEMING Transformation guides you through Your TEEMING Transformation, an essential developmental journey for leaders ready to align with life and human nature, to grow possibility wherever diversity has been suppressed, flows obstructed, or connections severed by mechanistic and extractive thinking.

Change how you see…and see how things change.

Most decision-makers have little sense of being part of nature or how life really works. We look to the promise of technology, STEM education for innovative solutions – but every human endeavor you can think of is firstly biological. What’s missing from our solution space is life. 

Living Inspiration

Living things grow conditions conducive to life naturally…life-aligned is more effective. PAX Scientific’s Flair fan (inspired by the flows of waves and seashells) uses up to 85% less electricity than conventional fans of the same size. Fans use 22 percent of global electrical energy with extremely broad industrial and commercial applications, and fans are the chief source of noise associated with electronic equipment.  Tiny coral polyps produce full-grown reefs through biomineralization, pulling C02 from the air to secrete calcium carbonate. 

This  unique learning journey helps leaders disrupt mechanistic thinking and renew connection to place, so the organizations, communities, and ecosystems they are part of can teem with diverse life and possibility.  

Rooted in the proven patterns of your Nature of Place.

TEEM with Life

Enter through any of these tracks: 


Get to know your unique Nature of Place, to grow the potential you already have all around you. Go outside and ask a local. 


Align with human nature by TEEMING Together, in flexible and responsive teams of teams that rapidly and effectively grow and protect shared value the way humans do best. Eat change for breakfast and scale nature's way. 


Growing regenerative economies rooted in Living Design: aligned with proven patterns of Place, rooted in biocultural knowledge and practice.

Designed to facilitate transformative insights that grow clarity, focus, will, and collaborative synergy in your work, all tracks include Your TEEMING Transformation’s developmental core, supporting you from Seed to Harvest in growing clarity, strategy, and capability as you bring your own purpose to life.


  • Get crystal clear on your work, your “why,” and what’s in the way

  • Experience transformative insights that turn intractable problems into irrepressible blooms

  • Work smarter not harder, naturally

  • Enjoy greater collective intelligence and mutual support

  • Teem up for radical collaboration (like Life always has)

Ready for Your TEEMING Transformation?

Ready to realize your life-minded purpose right now?

Join me in One World, an Impact Hub for this special preview of Your TEEMING Transformation’s developmental core. Gain clarity, focus, and inspiration, while unlocking the synergistic power of collaboration.

Bring Your Purpose to Life

a 4-session developmental journey designed to facilitate transformative insights that grow clarity, strategic focus, will, and collaborative synergy in your work
Each session poses a cascading series of provocations, prompts, and insights guided by living frameworks, with small group breakouts, personal reflection, and invitations to greater synergy. Join us for this revolutionary program in One World an Impact Hub.

4 Sessions, May 2-May 23 10-11:30am PST $259
Main Room will be recorded for registrants